Andrea Bocchio Stacks up the Colors for Spring...

Brooklyn-based Peruvian designer Andrea Bocchio is storming the market with her jewelry collection. Consisting of necklaces and bracelets, her merger of traditional knitting and crocheting with bold, cool accents, sets her apart from the competition. With handpicked textiles, beads, leathers, and yarns from Peru, Bocchio creates a detail oriented, clean, cohesive collection with a strong element of surprise. The necklaces are priced between $70-$120, and bracelets run from $30-$60, making this eye-catching jewelry attainable for those who appreciate style and quality. These handcrafted pieces are inspired by different cultures, and are edgy yet sophisticated, perfect for the young "it" girl to the career woman who wants to make a statement, and everyone in between!

This DIY looking trend is still very popular, big bold necklaces and bracletes are also very cool. Stack it up. Andrea Bocchio makes it easier with her jewelry to look good. 


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